Your Permanent Makeup Services
what to know before the lip tint, Microblading, Nano brow, or lash tattoo
Four weeks before your appointment, stop the following
4 inches around treatment area:
Retin-A, Tretinal, Tretinoid, Retinal, and Hydroxy Acids on the forehead and T-zone area
Hair growth treatments
Botox in the forehead or around the treatment area
Sun Tanning
Laser or Chemical Peels
LatissΓ© or Hair Growth Serums on treated area
Cannot be pregnant or nursing
*Expect increased sensitivity when booking a session during your period*
Lip Blush
Keep lips moist with a organic skin oil jojoba, castor oil, coconut, argon oil, vitamin E oil, grapeseed oil. Exfoliate brows with brown sugar, baking soda, or salt so you do not have chapped lips. Drink lots of water the week before. Very important, if you have ever had a cold sore, get in antivirals 2 days before, 2 days after.
24 hours before your appointment, stop the following:
Blood thinners (Ibuprofen, NSAIDs, Advil, allergy medication, fish oil, etc.)
Heavy workouts
Lash line/eyeliner:
Discontinue use of LatissΓ© and other hair growth serums 6 weeks before session. If you wear contact lenses, bring glasses to wear home. You may resume wearing contacts in 7-10 days. You may begin using newly purchased makeup and eyeliner after 4-5 days. All makeup brushes used on the treated area should be cleaned thoroughly before reuse.
Day of your appointment
I suggest washing your hair before your permanent makeup treatment
You cannot get your brows soaked for the first 10 days during aftercare. Washing on the day of the appointment will give you a few days until you need to wash again
If sunny outside, wear a hat to your appointment to protect your freshly done cosmetic tattoo from the sun on the way home
Avoid working out or sweating before treatment
Arrival more than 35 minutes late without communication may need to be rescheduled and charged a no-show of 50% of the service price
Located at Indie Salons, text me for the code to get inside the lobby.